Eczema, a skin condition characterized by inflammation, itchiness, redness, and rash formation, often presents with cracked and rough skin. With various types of eczema existing, treatment at NIS begins based on the specific condition you have.

Chronic Eczema : Chronic Eczema persists over time and is often diagnosed as atopic dermatitis, a serious skin condition characterized by persistent inflammation.

Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic Dermatitis : Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic dermatitis, commonly referred to as dandruff, manifests with symptoms like skin rash, redness, itchiness, and inflammation, typically affecting the face, scalp, and chest areas. Occasionally, it may be associated with an excessively greasy scalp. Given its impact, immediate remedies for eczema, including eczema on the face, are sought.

Eczema in Kids : Eczema in children, particularly in infants, is a significant concern. Conditions such as cradle cap may signify an early manifestation of atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis in babies. The term “atopic” implies that the exact cause is unknown, although it is often triggered by stress or illness.

Causes of Eczema

  • Autoimmune origin
  • Allergic reactions
  • Excessive sweating
  • Exposure to irritants
  • Cold weather, particularly during winter

Eczema Symptoms

  • Itching of the scalp
  • Oozing of secretions if not treated in the initial stage
  • Dryness of the scalp
  • Flaky scaling
  • Redness of the scalp
  • Changes in scalp color after the disappearance of lesions

Risk Factors for Eczema Skin Problem

  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis or allergic reactions
  • AIDS
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid conditions

Eczema Treatment – Our Approach

Understanding natural remedies for treating eczema is crucial, especially when dealing with children. We prioritize safety and efficacy in our eczema treatment approach at NIS, ensuring minimal discomfort and zero risks.

Our personalized, step-by-step approach begins with a thorough physical examination and capilloscopy to assess the severity of the disorder. Topical emollients are then provided to soothe inflammation, and patients receive expert guidance on home care practices, such as avoiding oiling the hair and refraining from using commercial products that may exacerbate the condition.

If necessary, specific amino acids are prescribed in therapeutic dosages, taking into account factors like blood pressure and uric acid levels. We also offer comprehensive guidance on preventive measures to minimize the risk of relapse post-treatment.

  1. Careful physical and capilloscopy examination
  2. Provision of topical emollients for inflammation relief
  3. Expert guidance on home care practices
  4. Prescription of specific amino acids if needed
  5. Preventive measures to avoid relapse

For the best eczema treatment tailored to your needs, we recommend consulting with our experts at NIS. They will provide detailed information on safe and effective approaches to eczema treatment, ensuring optimal results.

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