Hair Loss Treatment in: Reduced Hair Loss in Just 1 Session

What is Hair Loss?

The hair loss treatment market is booming. early 1 in 2 people concerned about it. A distressing problem faced by both men and women, hair loss could lead to permanent balding if it isn’t addressed and treated in time.

Types of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Symptoms

As part of a normal hair growth cycle, the average person can lose up to 100 strands of hair per day. Any more than that, and you could be experiencing hair loss. Although hair loss symptoms vary, they typically fall under one of these three broad categories:

  • Thinness
  • Patchiness
  • Balding

Remember — a certain degree of hair loss is normal and inevitable, but it’s important to spot any warning signs of hair loss early. Unsure if what you’re experiencing is really hair loss? It may be time to consult a dermatologist or relevant medical professional.

Why NI’S Hairloss Treatment for Hair Loss Treatment?

NI’S Trichology uses Advanced technology its initial and post-treatment scalp analysis. First, photos are taken of four specific portions of the scalp, analysis will be done by Trichologist with our Advanced tricoscope for dandruff, sensitivity, and other scalp issues. If you start your treatment journey with us, the Advanced technology will be able to track your progress along the way, tweaking its data to produce more accurate recommendations and results.

Benefits of Hairfall Treatment

With consistent Hairfall treatment, the condition of your scalp can improve significantly, improving your overall appearance and boosting your confidence in social settings. At NI’S Trichology , we offer you a personalized treatment plan based on the condition of your scalp. Our line of Anti-Hairfall products is designed to complement the in-clinic treatments, and help you get rid of your These ingredients work by reducing the inflammation and scaling on the scalp, which can lead to a reduction in dandruff Natural remedies like NI’S scalp Therapy products are less likely to cause side effects compared to medicated Shampoo and products.

How Does Hairloss Treatment works?

How Much Does Hair Loss Treatment Cost?

When it comes to the cost of hair loss treatment. Your Hair Treatment In 4 Simple Steps


Book an appointment with NI’S Trichology


Understand your scalp profile better after a detailed scalp analysis by NI’S Trichology


A personalized treatment will be recommended based on your scalp profile


Relax and enjoy your treatment

Before any treatment solutions can be offered, an in depth consultation  needs to be carried out so that a diagnosis & personalized treatment  plan can be made.


What to Expect During a Consultation with a Trichologist?

Personal and Medical History

Your trichologist will ask you about your personal and medical history. Your family history of scalp and hair issues, the medications you are taking, and lifestyle factors that may affect your hair health.


Discussion of Concerns

In this step, you need to be open and share all the issues you are facing. Be prepared to provide details about when the problem started, any changes you have noticed, and any previous medications or treatments you have tried.

Physical Examinations

After that, your trichologist will examine your hair and scalp, using a magnifying tool or any other specialized equipment.

Laboratory Test

It is also possible that you may be asked for further testing to identify the underlying cause of your hair and scalp problem. The tests include blood tests, scalp scrapings, and hair samples.


Based on their assessment, the trichologist will provide personalized treatment to your specific concern. The treatments include topical creams, supplements, and changes to your hair care routine.


Hair Loss Treatment: A Quick Summary
Treatment Time 60- 90 minutes
Recommended Interval Varies based on the specific treatment; Consultation needed for personalized advice
Recovery Time Minimal downtime, but results may take 3-6 months to become visible
Ideal For Both men and women experiencing hair loss issues
Benefits and Results Improved hair health, slowed hair loss, and potential regrowth with consistent treatment
Cost $60 for Consultation – Which is First step towards  Regrowth of your hair & solve your hair loss journey.

Treatment depending on Treatment Plan will be suggested by your Trichologist after Consultation only -( $99 to $120) Costs may vary


Consultation – $60
Treatment Price Range – $99 to $120
Products :

Ni’S Scalp Therapy Oil ,Ni’S Scalp Therapy Scalp Serum,
Ni’S Scalp Therapy Shampoo, Ni’S Scalp Therapy deep Conditioner

Package : In Depth Consultation
In Clinic Treatment (1st session)
Products( Include Shampoo,Conditioner ,Scalp Therapy Oil , Scalp Therapy Serum) – $199.

Does Hair Loss Treatment Work for Everyone?

The effectiveness of hair loss treatment can vary from person to person. Factors such as the underlying cause of hair loss, individual response to treatment, and consistency in following the prescribed regimen play a role in determining the success of the treatment.

Most Effective Hair Loss treatment

NI’S Program is the most comprehensive multi-therapeutic system for hair regrowth available today, and the full system can be used in the comfort of your own home.

Our products are non-prescription and can be shipped within 1 business day from the placement of your order.

In summary

Hairfall is a condition that can be effectively treated at NI’S Hair Loss Clinic With proper treatment, you can achieve a healthy scalp.

Along with the Treatment We prescribe needed supplements according to your blood test results and lifestyle chart that will replenish your hair holistically.

External applications and the appropriate therapy Is recommended

Proper nutrition and lifestyle is essential for healthy hair.

We believe in a periodic review of your hair & scalp , and also provide world-class

products to help maintain your hair lifelong.


  1. In clinic treatment will last for 2 to 3 week and usually 5-6 sessions every 2-3 weeks for 3 months are recommended along with the aftercare adviced given by your Trichologist During your Consultation session.

After you’ve received treatment & treatment plan of your hair, your doctor may request to follow up with you. One reason for this is that the actual results of hair loss treatment aren’t usually visible right away. Rather, it can take up to 3-6 months for your hair to grow back after hair loss treatment. Whenever in doubt, do remember to consult your doctor.

Results can vary, but generally, it can take up to 3-6 months to see visible results after undergoing hair loss treatment. Patience and consistency with the recommended treatment plan are key factors in achieving successful outcomes.

While some home remedies may help improve the overall health of your hair, they may not be sufficient for treating underlying causes of hair loss. Consultation with a medical professional- your Trichologist is recommended to determine the most effective and personalized treatment plan.

Here at Ni’S Trichology We Use Pharmaceutical path & Natural path.

Pharmaceutical path Risks

Medications such as Minoxidil may come with certain side effects. Specifically, with Minoxidil, new strands of hair that grow after treatment may differ in texture and color from old hair strands. If the cause for hair loss is an excess of androgens (including testosterone), anti-androgens may be prescribed. The downside of anti-androgens is that they could potentially cause fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido and depression.

Natural path

Our treatment – Ni’S scalp therapy Treatment specifically designed to resolve all major Scalp & Hair Problems, according to today’s lifestyle and preference without any risks

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